Monday, June 2, 2008

Sad Manners!

Ok, I admit that I've been slacking on my updates. I will work on doing better. Akayla has learned a new phrase that I have no idea where she learned it. On Saturday Akayla and I were staying at my mom's while all the boys were gone camping. Akayla was eating her Mac and Cheese, when i asked her to please be careful not to make a mess. She looked at me and with the meanest little voice and said "Shut up, right now!!". Oh my gosh!!! I was so shocked. My mom and I just looked at each other speachless. I have no idea where she learned to say "shut up" like that. We never say that to her. The "right now" part is deffinately something she got from me, I hate to admit it, but it's true. So that's my lovely update for you!


Kritta22 said...

What a little turkey!!

homeschooling Mama said...

such a cut family!

The Duckers said...

WOW! That sucks! I hate it when they're all mean like that. But it gets worse when they know EXACTLY what they're doing. ERR!
Little buggers!

Kritta22 said...

What are you thinking about the temple? THoughts, feelings...?