Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Prego Update

Well I went to my dr. appt today and he says that it's time for me to be off of work. I'm totally stoked about it. Only problem is, is that I was hoping to make a few extra bucks this week to cover this months expenses. I think I'll just finish off the week doing half days and then head home and put my feet up. Of course by the time I get home, I'll need to pick up Akayla and naturally she'll want to play and then it'll be more work at home then it is at my actually job. LOL go figure. :-) Can't win. LOL

So that's my update. Other than that baby looks good. Good chance that it may not have O.I. but we won't know for sure until the baby is about 3 weeks old.

Love ya'll.



Kritta22 said...

yeah!! Almost here!!

Mama Kautz said...

oh I am so happy to find your blog...I got the link off of Dy's myspace...cool!!