4-12-11 My Lovely Day Dreaming Akayla!! She is a very active little thing and rarely rests. My Akayla can read most 3 letter words (when she wants too) and enjoys teaching her sister new things, whether they're good or bad. She has a favorite stuffed animal that's a pink yorkie named Cricket. Akayla loves to sleep in except on the mornings that her mommy has had a late night. Not quite sure how that works out. She is super friendly and enjoys learning/speaking spanish when she can. She'd prefer to wear a skirt over pants any day/rain or shine. Her favorite food is the mini pizzas from Taco bell and also Mac n' cheese with hotdogs and ketchup. She loves Kiwis, string cheese, fruit snacks, peanuts, grilled cheese with tomatoe soup. My Akayla is my favorite 4 year old!