Friday, June 27, 2008

Lake Chelan

Sorry I didn't have time earlier this week to finish the entire story about what we did for our little vacation after our sealing.

You already know about the fun day at the zoo on Thursday that we consider our "family" day. Then Friday Keidy and I pawned Akayla off on my mom and then just the two of us headed to Lake Chelan. It was such a relaxing weekend, we went bowling, miniture golfing and evening swimming. I pushed all of my everyday worries out of my mind and I just relaxed and read books and just enjoyed being in love with my hubby. I can't tell you how needed this really was. We stayed at our Lake view Condo (that we rented) for the entire weekend. On Saturday, Keidy had sneaked out to do some shopping and he came back and suprised me with some sparking cider, which we got to enjoy out of the wine glasses that the condo provided. I always love the romantic feeling when I drink from wine glasses. I don't know what it is about them, even if I'm just drinking water, it just makes me feel special. :-)
We also got to swing by Leavenworth, which Keidy had never been to before, and we enjoyed some window shopping and had lunch there. It was great.
Now we're back in the "real" world,I realize that I must have done a really good job at pushing my everyday worries out of my head because I tell ya, they've all hit me at once like a ton of bricks and I've been sooooo cranky because of it. No worries though, it's a weekend again and the sun is shining, and I've decided that this will be a stay at home vacation this time around. :-)

1 comment:

Kritta22 said...

I'm so glad you took Us time! Good work! It's hard to do with kids! I totally didn't think it was gonna be!